How do you tell a story that is carried by both the reel and virtual body in a 4dimentional space where the audience is the co-editor ?
REALstAGE – an experimental stage laboratory, seeks to answer this question.
REALstAGE – establishes direct and individual contact between the stage and the audience.
Cell-phones, laptops and the Internet are used to create a web of communication lines – before, after and during the performance. – Creating a stage experience that is pieced together by the choices of the individual audience and that allows the performers to exist on different platforms simultaneously in time and space.
The REALstAGE laboratory, initially a dialog between architecture and chore ography, is an ongoing process in an open-ended time frame. It consists of different platforms and collaboration partners with varying degrees of involvement in the research.
Partnerships are formed to explore the technological developments and use that in an innovative approach to the stage and the different artistic expressions of ourselves and our collaborators.
The REALstAGE laboratory has been working since 2005. A focal point is the collaboration with the Watermill Center, New York and Robert Wilson. REALstAGE was, on invitation from Robert Wilson, part of the Watermill Center Summer Program 2006 and 2007. Other collaboration partners has been Copenhagen University, Department of Arts and Culture Studies, Dance and Theatre Research Section, the Dramaturgical laboratory, Entrescenen (Århus) and UNITS (Kanonhallen) at Kigkurren, Copenhagen.

Architect & installation artist Christina Back and choreographer Helle Bach are the initiators of REALstAGE.
They are both established and independent artist experienced with the dance, theater, installation. architecture and performance scenes of Copenhagen, Paris and New York.